Saturday, September 3, 2016

Nayati Achak

I have always hated my first name. When I was in grade school, there were always about 4 boys who had the same name as me. We all had to be distinguished by adding the first initial of our last name to our first name. I could not just be "Bodhi", I had to be "Bodhi N.". I looked up the naming trends of the mid 1970's and found that my name was one of the top three names for boys, or something like that. I could have told you that without looking. I have also always though of my name as a little boys name. This is most likely more a reflection of my inability to consider myself an adult than the name itself. I guess my name could be "Steel Macho Explosions" and I would see this as a child's name as well. That is totally the name a kid would give himself, but I digress. I have always gone by my last name, since this is a military type thing, and I guess I'm a reluctant military type guy. 

Last year when I had my brain explosion and subsequent forced change in consciousness, I considered the concept of a name change. There is some precedence for this. When Buddhists take certain vows, they change their name to reflect their new life path. The Pope takes a new name when he is jumped in as Pope. I even went on a date with a woman that had changed her entire name after a failed marriage. I imagine she saw her situation similar to mine in many ways. The shedding of shackles of the past that requires a new identity for the future. It was just one date, so I didn't get to explore the idea further with her. Pity. 

I don't know that I would ever legally change my name, what a hassle. I've held on to the same cell number for more than a decade through much difficulty. How on earth would I handle a real change in identity? I do like the idea of an informal name change though, maybe even just for self reflection purposes. This is where the "Bodhi Nobody" concept came from. This is an impractical name,
however. Am I really going to sign checks like that? No, but I'd like an alter ego that I could maybe do so with. I toyed with many ideas over the last year. Google translate is an awesome way to celebrate insomnia. It will translate languages that I didn't even know we're languages. It will translate Esperanto, a language made up by hippies or something. Klingon is sadly not an option (yet). There were some ideas that sounded worthy. Nothing seemed to really grab me though. 

I was watching the Ken Burns documentary called The West the other day. I love that guy's films. Anyway, the first segment of this film is about the Native Americans, the First Nations. The cultures were so very diverse, as were the languages. I think some people mistakenly think there was just an "Indian" culture. This was very much not the case. The language systems alone were drastically varied. There were languages that range from the equivalent of Swahili to Chinese to Russian. It was amazing. This got me thinking and off to the internet I scampered. 

I have had some interest in native language and cultures and have looked at this before. The difference is that recently my sleep has really sucked and there is much more time to waste online. This time I hit the Jackpot. I found a native list of baby names. I began to search. I have had a generally idea of what I would want a new name to mean, but not be all In your face about it. There are a few souls in my Zen meditation group that have taken vows and given themselves new names. This is a problem. Names like this should be bestowed upon you, as a mark of your characteristics. When you give yourself a new name, I think it is more a reflection of what you wish to be. This does not always mesh with what you are or even have the capacity to be. Then you call yourself "Unicorn Boner" and it's just awkward for your friends. I don't have a wise sage to bestow a new name upon me, so I tried to be reasonable. 

I wanted my name to reflect my tumultuous journey. This is a journey that will likely never end, at least until I end. I don't think I'll ever find the end of the spirtual and emotional road, but I will still forever walk it. The name I came up with is "Nayati Achek". It is allegedly a mix of two languages and may mean "He Wrestles with His Spirit" It could also just be face noise that sounds cool or mean "dog toenail" or something. Regardless, shut up. It sounds cool and can't be any less made up than my given name. 

I won't be signing checks with my sweet new name. I won't be getting a name tag. I may even have a newer new name next week. It's just for my own over active mind. If I am sly though, I might just slip it in the next time I order a smoothie or something. 

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