Saturday, September 19, 2015

Kenneth, Cool as Ice

He walks by like he is the coolest guy around. His swagger denotes a confidence unmeasurable and perhaps even some talent as a smooth pool shark, able to separate fools from their money with class. His dress is relaxed and casual, yet it is clear that he puts effort into looking good. He knows he looks good. He walks by with the greeting of "hey brother man!" with a sincere and warm smile on his face. He portrays a friendly Samuel L. Jackson air, a metaphorical pimp with a kind and care free manner.

I see him again as I return from my errand. He is still as cool as ever. I sit down and chat with Kenneth. He is very genuine. He is a black man in his sixties and has likely lived a sometimes rough life. He tells me as a younger man he worked for the railroad. He had an accident on the job and sustained a serious head injury. Kenneth says they gave him a bit of money for this but in the end didn't do right by him. This transgression is no matter for his simple and kind soul however. He mentions some of his mistakes he has made in life, the drug use seems to be his biggest shame. He says that he is trying to be a good Godly man and leave all that behind. I assure him that we all have made mistakes and that God knows your true nature.

He speaks of things and events that I know not to be real, but it is of no real harm for him to believe such things. His brain was truly damaged all those years ago and this is his reality. He seems to be a decent man who lives his life his own kindly way. Despite all of his troubles, he is still friendly and content and sees the world as a good place to be.

Kenneth is certainly no pimp or pool shark. He is just a man that is comfortable in his own skin and happy to be himself. I tell him 'God bless you" as we part ways and I mean it. Kenneth is living a good life on his own path.

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