Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Perfect Storm

This storm, so tumultuous.

Send the ships out to sea, for they will be smashed to bits if left moored.

The conditions are perfect for such a gale. The pressure, temperature, and tide are all just right.

We strike the jack and hoist the colors, to the briny sea we sail.

She is quite angry, what was once a beautiful blue is now green and violent. 

We pitch fore and aft, a roll of more than fifteen degrees,

Gear crashes to the deck, a cup shatters, books tumble and fall.

Is the days of sail, we surely would have perished, eternal guests of Davy Jones himself.

I open my eyes, I open my mind.

My ever faithful ship shall weather the storm, she has never faltered.

But in the midst of these angry swells, my home port is so far away.

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